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HR Management System TD-HRMS

HR Management System TD-HRMS

HR Management System TD-HRMS



TD-HRMS software features many advantages, the most important of which

1. Add infinite number of branches of the company

2. Add infinite number of sections

3. Add infinite number of jobs

4. Add the entire file of the employee includes personal data - and data Position - Insurance - Data vacations Data

5. Add infinite number of images for each employee

6. Dealing with all the attendees and leave devices such as fingerprint device and kart

7. calculated for each employee vacations and discount balance vacations

8. Add for each employee promotions

9. annual increases in salaries

10. Add Almkavaouat

11. A special section investigations faced by the employee and record the penalty resulting from this investigation

12. Department staff advances reported advances

13. absences account for each employee based on the attendance sheet

14 - time delays and additional expense based on the attendance sheet

15. large amount of reports that show

- Employee data

- Number of employees in each department or function

- Staff insured and non-insured

- The employer's share of insurance to pay fixed and variable pay

- Worker's share in insurance to pay fixed and variable pay

- Shit Monthly salaries for all employees

- Shit each employee arrested

- Attendance reports

- Absence reports and balances vacations

- Advances reports

And it is easy to use program Affairs personnel and payroll TD-HRMS can also program works on an internal network or on the Internet

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